Monday, 21 November 2011

Another Library Is Breathing Its Last - NASSDOC Fighting The Battle Of It's Survival

Respected Librarians/Professionals,
The authorities of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR, autonomous body under Min of HRD) are planning to shut down one of its biggest units i.e. NASSDOC (National Social Science Documentation Centre, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi). This is being done in such a silent manner that the staff of ICSSR is also not aware. 
What is NASSDOC ?
NASSDOC or National Social Science Documentation Centre is a part of Indian Council of Social Science Research, (ICSSR) established in 1969 to provide library and information support services to social science researchers. It is India's largest repository of bibliographical databases in the area of social sciences. NASSDOC library has a rich collection of reference sources on all social science disciplines. This is the only library in India which has a collection of more than 6000 PhD Theses awarded by different Indian Universities on various disciplines of Social Science. Apart from this, thousands of reports of the research projects conducted with the financial support by ICSSR are also the part of this rare collection. Thousands of research scholars visit NASSDOC each year from various and remote places throughout the country for consulting the rare and unique collection. It is one of the very first libraries in India to start Fully Automatic Circulation System using RFID technology. This centre also provides service like Bibliography on Demand, Study Grant for data collection, Abstracting and indexing service and other useful services. NASSDOC has earned a reputation of only documentation centre in India, which is serving the social science research scholars.
At present, NASSDOC is facing the biggest challenge of its survival after completing glorious 42 years of service to the social science community.  The location of NASSDOC is very much in the heart of the city, i.e. 35, Ferozshah Road, Mandi House, New Delhi. All across India, Scholars from remote places, directly come to this place, as it is very conveniently located.  But in a latest move, the authorities of ICSSR have decided to vacate the entire first floor of NASSDOC and hand it over to some institute, which is going to be opened in the first week of December 2011. It is learned that this new institute, which will be named Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education and Sustainable Development is being funded by the UNESCO and is to be governed by Indian Institute of Advance Studies, Shimla.  ICSSR authorities, which are acting upon the directives from the HRD Ministry, showed no resistance and are only begging for some more time to vacate. 
If entire first floor is being handed over to some other organization, the services of NASSDOC will be crippled.  The first floor of NASSDOC stores all the rare collection of unpublished PhD theses, ICSSR's Research Project Reports and bound volumes of periodicals. It also has computer centre, Microfilm section, binding section, conference hall and canteen on the first floor itself. It is not clear where all this collection will be shifted.  In any case, the library is known for its collection. If there is no collection in the library, it will be useless. It is clear, authorities will dump them in its basement or else will throw the entire collection as was done during the renovation of ICSSR in 2003. NASSDOC was able to bear that blunt but this time it may prove to be the final nail in the coffin of the biggest documentation centre of India. Without its collection, what service, NASSDOC will offer to thousands of scholars, which visit here regularly?  This will ultimately lead in shutting down all the services of NASSDOC, which will be very unfortunate for a National Institution like NASSDOC.
There is no dearth of space in New Delhi. Why, authorities are eyeing up only on NASSDOC? Why they want to shut down a reputed national institute for the sake of a new institute, which can be opened anywhere else? Why cant they take ICSSR main building located in huge campus situated near JNU, which is, became nowadays an OLD AGE HOME FOR CONSULTANTS and moreover A KHALPAVRIKSHA for percentage distribution & Fraud reimbursements as one and only major activity. There seems to be a calculated program of this government to shut down the libraries and the profession itself.  Everywhere, the wings of libraries are being crippled.
The role of ICSSR's new chairperson Dr. Sukhdev Thorat is very suspicious in this matter.  Dr. Thorat himself is facing CBI enquiry in the Deemed University Scam of UGC. He was chairman of the UGC before appointed as Chairman, ICSSR.  It is a question in itself, how a tainted person has been appointed a chairman of a national body like ICSSR ?
It is evident that the proposed new institute is to be opened by the IIAS, Shimla, whose chairperson Professor Bhalchandra Mungekar is very close to Professor Sukhdev Thorat.  Professor Mungekar is a nominated member of the Rajya Sabha. The governing body of IIAS also includes names of Professor Yogendra Yadav, fellow,Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi, Smt . Viha Puri Das, Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Prof. Sukhdev Thorat, Chairman, ICSSR and Prof. Basudev Chartterjee, Chairman Indian Council of Historical Research.  ICHR also shares the same building with NASSDOC at 35 Ferozshah Road and it also wants to occupy the remaining part of the building, once NASSDOC is declared closed.
It is very clear from above information that these persons are acting on behalf of IIAS and they don't mind sacrificing a small organization like NASSDOC.  All these members of the governing body of IIAS are working tirelessly to shut down NASSDOC and open a new institute with new funds. Clearly, the tainted personalities may eat some pie in the huge fund allocated by UNESCO for this project. 
But there is a bigger question to be asked. With the funding of UNESCO and support of IIAS, the new institute can be opened up anywhere in Delhi. Why, an established institute is being destroyed for this? This will also be like a murder of a library of national status.
NASSDOC, allover India Library Professionals and students of LIS must know the name by reading a chapter in LIS Course. Some eminent personalities served as Directors, like Sri S P Aggarwal who coined the name as NASSDOC and the glory of NASSDOC was at the pinnacle stage in LIS profession during that period. Though some national level personalities like Dr. P. R. Goswami & Smt. Kalpana Dasgupta rendered/ rendering their services as Bosses, the fate of NASSDOC is going to Dumping Yard. Dr. Goswami has used every organization he served as stepping stone only. He never cared for his parent institution, once he has gone for deputation. At the age of retirement, he is still applying and facing job interviews. Shame on such careless attitude for the institute which gives bread, butter and name to him. Mrs. Kalpna Dasguta served as consultant of NASSDOC in absence of Dr. Goswami for more than 2 years but she took no interest in saving NASSDOC, though she has served in the National Library, Central Secretariat and was a member of the National Knowledge Commission.  She was more interested in conduction meetings and seminars to oblige her own team and save her own job.
May God give some sense to Ministry of HRD and authorities of ICSSR and prohibit is from involving in this sin. 

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