Friday, 24 February 2012

Press Information Bureau Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development 
23-February-2012 16:43 IST 
Virtual Labs Project Launched
The  Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Government of India today launched Virtual Labs — a collection of ninety-one virtual laboratories containing hundreds of experiments in nine disciplines of science and engineering. As part of Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD)’s National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT), Virtual Labs is part of a comprehensive undertaking to provide easily accessible and high quality education throughout India.
Virtual Labs’ primary focus is to provide graduate and undergraduate college and university students with the ability to perform their required laboratory experiments using only the World Wide Web, a standard computer, and an Internet connection. Virtual Labs allow students to practice and better learn the science and engineering
behind the experiments that they are required to perform. Virtual Labs also allows the sharing of costly equipment across the country, and in very rural areas, students will be able to perform experiments that they would not otherwise be able to access.
Nearly 300 department heads, faculty, and staff representing 152 institutions have been trained across India. Over 20 Nodal Centres have been created, institutions who have expressed their interest to champion Virtual Labs in their organisations and geographical areas. 
The Pilot Phase of the Virtual Labs project started in April 2009.  During this phase, approximately twenty labs were developed as proof of concept.  The Main Phase began in April 2010.  So far, over 80 Virtual Labs have been developed, and are undergoing field trials in various parts of the country.
Two types of virtual labs have been developed under this project. In the Simulation Based Virtual Labs the experiments are modeled using mathematical equations.  The simulations are carried out remotely at a high-end server, and the results are communicated to the student over the internet.  Simulation based Virtual Labs are scalable and can cater to a large number of simultaneous users.
Using the Remote Triggered Virtual Labs the actual experiments are triggered remotely.  The output of the experiment (being conducted remotely) is communicated back to the student over the internet.  This class of Virtual Labs gives the student the output of real-time experiments.  Typically, time-slots are booked before conducting such experiments. All Virtual Labs can be accessed through a common website:
At the user end, a PC and broadband connectivity enables the user to access Virtual Labs.
These Virtual Labs will be very useful for Engineering College Students who do not have access to good lab-facilities, High-school students, whose inquisitiveness will be triggered, possibly motivating them to take up higher-studies, Researchers in different institutes who can collaborate / share equipment and engineering
colleges, who can benefit from the content and related teaching resources. Currently 85 Virtual Labs have been developed comprising of 769 experiments. Trainings and workshops have been held all over India to disseminate knowledge of these Virtual Labs. Future efforts will involve development of virtual labs in different subjects and wide dissemination of this knowledge.   
Collaborative Platform for Development of Virtual Labs has been created that assists the faculty with authoring and maintaining Virtual Labs. The platform hosts over 825 experiments developed by many of the partner institutions. The Collaborative Platform provides the server side architecture for ensuring that virtual labs run securely, can effectively serve thousands of students simultaneously, and reserve time slots for experiments that require scheduling. The Collaborative Platform also provides tools to help teachers monitor their students’ progress and make changes to the instructional material. Student interest in Virtual Labs has also been enthusiastic. The Virtual Labs site ( has had 233,570 site visits and 1,034,443 page visits in just the
last 6 months. There are over 4500 registered users from 134 countries and handles around 100GB of traffic per month with visitors from India, United States, Malaysia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany,Pakistan and so on. 
With the launch of Virtual Labs Indian students will have easy access to an encyclopedia of science and engineering knowledge presented in a way that is engaging, immersive, and enjoyable. Virtual Labs will allow students to explore, discover, and learn wherever they are and at their convenience. 
List of Virtual Labs that are ready 
A.        Electronics & Communications       
Virtual Advanced Lab for Interactive Design and Test in Electronics
Virtual Microwave Laboratory
Wireless Lab
Engineering Electro-magnetics Laboratory
Queuing Networks Modelling Lab
Hybrid electronics Lab
RF microwave characterization Lab
Transducer and instrumentation virtual lab
Electronic design using DSP,FPGA,CPLD and Micro controllers
through simulation and direct access of the hardware
Digital Electronic Circuits Laboratory
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Fading Channels and Mobile Communications
Basic Electronics
Systems, communication and control laboratory
Speech Signal Processing Laboratory
Digital VLSI Design Virtual lab
Signals and Systems Laboratory
Electromagnetic Theory
Virtual Electric Circuits
B.        Computer Science & Engineering       
Problem Solving
FPGA & Embedded systems lab
Computer Architecture & organization 
Advanced Network Technologies
Software Engineering
Data Structures
Computer Programming
Data Mining
Computer Organization
Digital Logic Design
Speech Signal Processing
Mobile Robotics
Computer Graphics
Image Processing
Pattern Recognition
Artificial Neural Networks
Virtual Advanced VLSI Lab
Cryptography Lab
C.        Electrical Engineering       
 Sensors Modeling & Simulation
Industrial Automation Laboratory
Analog Signals, Network and Measurement Laboratory
Real Time Embedded Systems Laboratory
Electrical Machines Laboratory
Creative Design, Prototyping & Experiential Simulation Lab
Ergonomics Lab for Assessing Physical Aspects of Design
Virtual English and Communication
Virtual Anthropology Lab
D. Mechanical Engineering 
Metal Forming Lab
Vibration and Acoustics
Micromachining laboratory
Kinematics & Dynamics of Mechanisms
Mine Automation and Virtual Reality
E.Chemical Engineering      
Process control, reaction engineering and unit operations lab
Chemical Engineering
Simulation of Control of Magnetic Levitation System
Virtual Lab for Mass Transfer
F. Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering    
Bioreactor Modeling & Simulation lab 
Biomedical and Signal processing Laboratory 
Virtual Proteomics Laboratory 
Neurophysiology (pilot)
Neuron Simulation Lab (pilot)
Biochemistry Virtual Lab I 
Biochemistry Virtual Lab II
Population Ecology I
Population Ecology II
Immunology Virtual Lab I
Immunology Virtual Lab II
Microbiology Virtual Lab I
Microbiology Virtual Lab II
Molecular biology Virtual Lab I
Molecular biology Virtual Lab II
Cell biology Virtual Lab I
Cell biology Virtual Lab II
G.Civil Engineering   
Strength of Materials Lab
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Soil Mechanics Lab
Basic Structural Analysis Lab
Surveying Lab
H.Physical Sciences      
Physical sciences
Virtual Advanced Mechanics Lab
Virtual Optics Lab
Virtual Electricity & Magnetism Lab
Virtual Heat & Thermodynamics Lab
Virtual Modern Physics Lab
Virtual Harmonic Motion and Waves Lab
I.Chemical Sciences       
Analytical Lab
Virtual Chemistry Lab
Virtual Lab in “Charge and Particle size Determination in
Colloidal Systems”
Virtual Lab in “Absorption Spectroscopy”
Virtual Lab in “CD Spectroscopy”
Physics of Biomolecules
Physical chemistry lab
Physical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry

source :

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